Monday, September 8, 2014

Miracles exist and so does our Savior Jesus Christ

So sorry about not writing last week. My poor compa had dengue and we ended up staying a couple nights in the hospital so we didnt have internet to write. She got out Wednesday and rested a couple days and we slowly built up her endurance again. She is such a trooper! 

This week was the weeks of pastors... I dont know why this week more than any other week of my mission. but we had a lot of amazing experiences. 

We were contacting on saturday and passed by a man just staring at his trees in his backyard and decided to go talk to him. He said his son had passed away and his wife is really sick and the family is waiting for her time to pass away as well. So sad! We started talking and it came out that hes been aventista his entire life. As we were teaching, the spirit was so strong and our conversation led into the fundamentals of the church that Jesus Christ himself had established. His brother walked in and sat down. (a pastor), we continued to talked when two more pastors came and sat down and listened to us. Eventually the conversation led to the sabbath day and whether is was on Saturday or Sunday. We were able to bear our testimonies a couple times and the spirit was so strong. They were so set on the ancient laws that they couldnt accept the fact that there is such a thing as a modern day prophet and revelation. We ended up inviting them to just pray and ask Heavenly Father. It breaks my heart when people cant do something as easy as praying to know if our message is true. They can have it all, just need a little faith. 

We also taught a 16 year old girl that Heavenly Father not only hears our prayers, but He answers them too. She was so amazed and so excited to pray and receive answers.

We visited pastor Jose again, the pastor who was the millionaire, but then lost it all and had the amazing story. We got there and he could hardly move because he had pulled a muscle in his back and had been in a lot of pain for 3 days. We talked a while and it came out that he has never let anyone of another faith preach to him, let alone in his own home. He said that he feels something when were in his house and he just wants to serve us. (he gave us 7 eggs, avocado, bananas, rice and jello) cause he thinks were poor... We had a really good discussion about the Book of Mormon and his eyes have been opened that there is another Testament of Jesus Christ. At the end, he asked me to say the prayer. As i was saying it, I felt a very strong impression to ask for Jose´s back to be healed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I knew it would be done. We said our goodbyes and went to our next appointment. He called us 20 minutes after we left to tell us his back has been healed. I know without  a doubt Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers, however big or small. Miracles exist and so does our Savior Jesus Christ. He will take away all of our pains whether it be physical, spiritual, or emotional. The atonement has more power than we can even begin to comprehend. 

Hermana Sherman
Hermana Morales went home and we threw her a goodbye party. She gave me her watch (mine broke) and I gave her a headband I made

The frequent nights without power that happen way too often
Mom you would be so proud!! I shredded this chicken with my bare hands all by myself even though I was gagging at the sight of its little body form and tail.
Star fruit

La Ceiba sunset

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