Monday, December 16, 2013

Missionary work is a front row seat to witness conversions...

So much has happened in my new area! I guess Porvenir is a little in the boonies but we can travel 30 minutes to La Lima on Pdays (preparation days) to buy food and use internet and what not. Here they travel by van or bus. The vans here are like mini-mini vans. They each have a route and stuff as many human bodies in as possible. Yesterday, we were stuffed in one with 30 other people, it was crazy! There is no such thing as space bubbles here. Ive also said goodbye to crabs in Tela and have said hello to tarantulas.I guess they are pretty common here and saw my first one as I was cutting a members grass with a machete. It was a baby one and dont know how i feel about that.
My new companion Hermana Alcequiez! Hermana Alcequiez is from the Dominican Republic and has been out on her mission for 3 months. She is so motivated and strives to have the spirit with her at every moment. I am so grateful for her and feel that we can push each other to become the best missionaries we can be.

The ward here is awesome!! Wow im definitely not in Tela anymore. Our ward mission leaders name is Kevin. He is an 18 year old getting ready to serve his mission in January. He is such a good ward mission leader and is so pumped in sharing the gospel. There are 6 missionaries in our ward. We live next door to 2 other sisters and the Elders live down the street. We have already received so many references from the members and they are so willing to go out with us!
The first day I got here we were contacting a reference and walked up to a house to ask if they knew our reference. There was a man there and immediately invited us in. His name is Santos. We started talking to him and his religious back ground. We ended up teaching the restoration and he was really receptive. We returned, taught, and gave him a Book of Mormon. He said that Elders use to visit him, but he lost contact with them and had no idea such a book existed. He showed up to church and all the members were so welcoming. We visited him yesterday and he said he loved church. He said that his family wasnt too happy about him going, but that he felt good when we taught him and felt good about it. He then said that this is the path he is suppose to take. I feel so blessed that the Lord trusts us enough to have lead us to Santos. The best thing about missionary work is that its front row seats to witness conversions and a change of heart. Life is gooooood
I cant believe we are already half way into December! Yesterday, we had a Stake musical reunion and we got to sing in 2 musical numbers. We also sang in the morning for ward conference. I am constantly reminded of the true meaning of Christmas as we get to share messages of the Savior. I know that the Savior lives. He is our Redeemer and knows each and everyone personally. He knows our pain and afflictions and he can replace our worries and doubts with hope and faith. I have learned that giving is better than receiving, and we can feel true happiness by helping others find it. I love you all!

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