Monday, August 4, 2014

My testimony...the most important thing I carry with me.

What a crazy week! We had the opportunity to do exchanges in Orlanchito and I got to work with Hermana Ramirez one day and Hermana Sullcar the next. Its always an adventure during exchanges. During exchanges with Hna Ramirez we were right in the middle of a lesson when a huge spider started crawling on the wall behind the investigator. It started creeping slowly closer and closer and I started wondering if spiders could jump. All of a sudden the spider jumped like 2 feet onto the back of the investigator! Hna Ramirez gasped and i was trying so hard not to laugh. The spider jumped again onto the floor, but i couldnt help myself. I was trying to hold in my laugh so hard when tears started running down my face. Every time i replayed it over again in my mind I would bust up laughing. The investigator thought we were laughing from a funny comment she said so it was all good, but i finally got myself under control. The power went out at 6pm until 9pm so we had to go in early and had another candle light study party. I dont know why but it seems like every time we go on exchanges the power goes out :(

 We got a call from President Klein Friday night when we were in Orlanchito with news that Hermana M. had emergency transfers and was being moved to Roatan Monday! (Today!) A couple sisters received their visas early and another sister went home so we had to do transfers today. I am currently with...... HERMANA BENNETT!!! Shes from Utah and the mission nurse! She is the mission nurse, a sister training leader, and a full time missionary, it just explains how awesome she is. I never imagined having a North American companion, but it will be great. 

All is well! still cant believe how fast time is going. I love my mission and being able to share my testimony all day every day. It has truly strengthened since the day i left home, and now its the most important thing i carry with me. 

I love you guys!

Hermana Sherman

Hermana B & Hna W are recent converts and our best friends here and L. on the left with her son are investigators.

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